Nähere Informationen über die Universität Granada in einer Powerpoint-Präsentation:

The University of Granada
Computer Science Programmes
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Persönliche Eindrücke und Bilder von der Stadt und der Universität Granada mit Schwerpunkt Informatik-Studium.

Gestaltet von Professor Manuel Capel



Im Rahmen einer Vortragsveranstaltung, die zusammen mit dem Institut für Informationsverarbeitung und Mikroprozessortechnik (FIM), dem Institut für Technische Informatik und Telematik, dem Institut für Angewandte Informatik, dem Institut für Anwendungsorientierte Wissensverarbeitung (FAW), dem Institut für Praktische Informatik, dem Institut für Systemwissenschaften, der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Informatik (ÖGI), der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Datenverarbeitung (ADV) sowie der Österreichischen Computergesellschaft (OCG) abgehalten wird, spricht Herr

Manuel I. Capel-Tuñón (mcapel@ugr.es)
University of Granada (Spain)
Dpt. Lenguajes y Sistemas Informaticos

über das Thema

Communicating threads and processes
(an approach to reliable parallel programming in Java)

ZEIT: Donnerstag, 2. Dezember 1999 - 16.00 Uhr c.t.
ORT: Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, TNF-Turm, Erdgeschoß, THS 13

There is currently great interest in exploring ways to support network parallel programming in Java, thus profiting from the programming flexibility and platform independence provided by the Java programming language and Java Virtual Machine (JVM), respectively.

Java is commonly considered the ideal language for implementing software for Internet, but a closer look reveals that distributed programming is poorly supported. As one of the most problematic inadequacies of the language, the absence of distribution transparency of programming entities declared within distributed programs would be noted. In order to improve that, the talk will present new programming models based on Java that solve these problems.

Professor Manuel I. Capel-Tuñón research interests are in the field of formal methods for reactive systems (temporal logic and process algebras), concurrent and real time programming languages and paradigms as well as distributed object oriented methods for the specification and design of system software.

After his talk, Manuel Capel-Tuñón will present the opportunities for students to join the ERASMUS program and attend part of their studies at the University of Granada. So students interested in studying abroad are pleasantly invited to join this presentation!

Jörg R. Mühlbacher

last changed by Webmaster 1999-12-16