Agent System POND 1.0 (1.7.2000)

Package FIM.Util.Threads

Thread and timing related classes: a cancellable thread, timers and timer-queues.


Interface Summary
TimerAction Interface for the listening threads of Timers.

Class Summary
CancellableThread A thread which can be cancelled by another thread.
Timer A timer, which can be set for recurring or once calling a number of listeners.
TimerQueue Creates a queue, where an arbitrary number of alarms can be set for a given time or after a specified interval.

Package FIM.Util.Threads Description

Thread and timing related classes: a cancellable thread, timers and timer-queues.

Agent System POND 1.0 (1.7.2000)

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Copyright 2000 Michael Sonntag & Institute for Information Processing and Microprocessor Technology (FIM), Johannes-Kepler-University Linz, Altenbergerstr. 69, A-4040 Linz, Austria.