Agent System POND 1.2 (28.2.2002)

Package PkgAgentSystem

Basic classes of the agent system.


Interface Summary
HasVetoableReadOnlyStore Interface for marking an object to contain an ReadOnlyStore.
PermissionChangeListener Interface for notifying an agent about changes in his permissions.

Class Summary
AgentBase Base class for all agents.
AgentClassLoader ClassLoader to enforce the dynamic security for the agent system.
AgentData Class for storing the management data of an agent.
AgentIDStore Used for storing the IDs of the agents which denied moving or persisting and requested some time.
AgentPolicy The default policy for the agent system.
AgentSystem Main class of the agent system.
AgentTimerQueue An extension of a TimerQueue where the method doTimerAction calls the same method in the agent system provided at creatiom.
AMPStreamHandler Stream handler for AMPURLConnections.
AMPStreamHandlerFactory Factory for creating AMPStreamHandlers for the amp-protocol.
AMPURLConnection A connection of type "amp" to another computer, allowing to transfer an agent from the local to the remote host.
Conversation A conversation with a single or any number of other agents.
CreateAgentPermission Permission to create agents of a certain class.
DynamicPermissions This class represents a heterogeneous collection of Permissions.
FileLimitPermission Permission to write to files only a certain number of bytes.
LimitedFileOutputStream A replacement for FileOutputStream which limits the number of bytes written to the disk through all of its instances.
PermissionEvent Event to tell the agent that his permissions have changed.
PermissionsEnumerator A PermissionsEnumerator enumerates all the Permission objects in all the PermissionCollections of a Permissions object.
PermissionsHash A PermissionsHash stores a homogeneous set of permissions in a hashtable.
PolicyByValue A policy where the permissions have to be bought.
ResourcePackage Used to find resources on a searchpath.
ServingThread A thread to receive an agent from a remote host.
TerminateAgentConversation A conversation to terminate the agent.
UnresolvedPermission The UnresolvedPermission class is used to hold Permissions that were "unresolved" when the Policy was initialized.
UnresolvedPermissionCollection A UnresolvedPermissionCollection stores a collection of UnresolvedPermission permissions.
ValuedPermissions A collection of permissions which are asociated with a value.

Exception Summary
AgentException Superclass of all exceptions thrown by the agent system.
AgentNotRegisteredException Signifies that the agent in question is not registered at the system.
AuthenticationException Signifies that an error occured during authentication.
CannotSendException Signifies that the agent system could not send the agent to the remote host.
CreateAgentFailureException Signifies that the system could not create the agent.
DelayException Superclass of all exceptions which want to delay some action.
InitializationException Signifies that an exception occured during initialization of an agent.
MovingDeniedException Signifies that the agent wants to delay the move operation for a specified amount of time.
PersistingDeniedException Signifies that the agent wants to delay the persisting operation for a specified amount of time.
ReceiveAgentDeniedException Signifies that the remote host denied the agent access.

Package PkgAgentSystem Description

Basic classes of the agent system.

Agent System POND 1.2 (28.2.2002)

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Copyright 2001,2002 Michael Sonntag & Institute for Information Processing and Microprocessor Technology (FIM), Johannes-Kepler-University Linz, Altenbergerstr. 69, A-4040 Linz, Austria.