Courses on Teleworking

The FIM has till now held 2 seminars with the topic "Teleworking" in various aspects:

A course on Teleworking (German): Current state of Telework-centers in Austria, Time-Management-Systems, Netiquette, ...

An international course on Teleworking (Teleworking - A Course using the Internet): Teleworking in the EU, New technologies for going online,  ECDL, ...


Not with the topic Teleworking, but rather with doing it that talking about it in mind, a number of courses were held. During these, the students worked from home and collaborated with their partners using the Internet and presented their results on Webpages directly at the institute:

Internet Seminar: What is a good webpage? A search for criterias and their importance.

CBT-Seminar: Finding criteria for assessment of CBT-courses


Courses on Teleworking

The FIM has till now held 2 seminars with the topic "Teleworking" in various aspects:

A course on Teleworking (German): Current state of Telework-centers in Austria, Time-Management-Systems, Netiquette, ...

An international course on Teleworking (Teleworking - A Course using the Internet): Teleworking in the EU, New technologies for going online,  ECDL, ...


Not with the topic Teleworking, but rather with doing it that talking about it in mind, a number of courses were held. During these, the students worked from home and collaborated with their partners using the Internet and presented their results on Webpages directly at the institute:

Internet Seminar: What is a good webpage? A search for criterias and their importance.

CBT-Seminar: Finding criteria for assessment of CBT-courses


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Last modified: 24 Oktober, 2002, by MVS

Last modified: 19 Juli, 2005, by MVS