Agent System POND 1.2 (28.2.2002)

Package PkgAgentSystem.Messaging

Classes for passing messages between agents and standard messages.


Interface Summary
MessageType The common methods for messages, both directed messages and broadcasts.

Class Summary
AcceptAndReplyChallengeMessage A message to reply to a ChallengeIdentityMessage.
AcceptMessage A message to signal that an offer, proposal, ... is accepted.
BroadcastMessage A message, which can be sent from one agent to all other local agents (no single recipient).
Subclasses MUST be serializable, else messaging will NOT work!
ChallengeIdentityMessage A message to initiate a mutual authentication.
DeclineMessage A message to signal that an offer, proposal, ... is declined.
Message A message, which can be sent from one agent to another.
Subclasses MUST be serializable, else messaging will NOT work!
MessageReply A message containing another message.
ProveIdentityMessage A message to reply to a ChallengeIdentityMessage.
RejectMessage A message to signal that an offer, proposal, ... is rejected.
ReplyToLateMessage A message to signal that the conversation, to which to message before was sent, is already archived and no longer available or that the message is to late because of another reason.
ResultMessage A message representing the result of a command, action, etc.
SignedMessage A message signed by the sender.
TerminateAgentMessage A message requesting that the recipient of the message be terminated.
UnknownConversationMessage A message to signal that the conversation, to which to message before was sent, does not (or no longer) exist.
UnknownConversationTypeMessage A message to signal that the type of conversation, to which to message before was sent, is unknown to the recipient agent.

Exception Summary
IllegalMessageException Signifies that the contained message is not allowed at the current state of the conversation.
MessageDeliveryException Signifies that the message could not be delivered to the recipient.
MessageException Parent class of exceptions arising in connection with a certain message from an agent to another one.
UnknownAgentException Signifying that the recipient of the message is unknown.

Package PkgAgentSystem.Messaging Description

Classes for passing messages between agents and standard messages.

Agent System POND 1.2 (28.2.2002)

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Copyright 2001,2002 Michael Sonntag & Institute for Information Processing and Microprocessor Technology (FIM), Johannes-Kepler-University Linz, Altenbergerstr. 69, A-4040 Linz, Austria.