Agent System POND 1.0 (1.7.2000)

Package PkgAgentSystem.Experiences

The classes for exchanging experiences and storing and updating opinions on other agents.


Class Summary
AgentModel Represents a single agent in the experiences model.
ExperienceExchangeConversation A conversation to exchange experiences.
Experiences The System for managing opinions on other agents.
SendExperienceMessage A message to send the experience with a certain agent (characteristic and value) to all other local agents.
SendStatementsMessage A message to send a complete list of statements to another agent.
Statement A statement from one agent on another one that a certain characteristic has a certain value.
StatementEnumeration An enumeration which returns only statements with a certain characteristic from a vector.
TrustStatement A statement from one agent on another one that he trusts this agent to a certain degree.
ValueComparator Compares two agent identity objects according to a certain characteristic.

Package PkgAgentSystem.Experiences Description

The classes for exchanging experiences and storing and updating opinions on other agents.

Agent System POND 1.0 (1.7.2000)

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Copyright 2000 Michael Sonntag & Institute for Information Processing and Microprocessor Technology (FIM), Johannes-Kepler-University Linz, Altenbergerstr. 69, A-4040 Linz, Austria.