
jConPac 1.2

by Michael Sonntag


0. Contents

1. Overview
2. User interface
3. Advanced configuration
4. Configuration files
5. Templates
6. Installation and Requirements
7. Commandline parameters
8. Bugs and other "special features"
9. License


1. Overview

This program supports converting IMS-manifests to static webpages so they can be viewed with an ordinary browser (e. g. for putting them on an CD-ROM). Several manifests (and their order) can be specified to be converted at once to a single navigational structure. Content is created according to templates, which are separately specified and can be modified independently from the program.

The template provided is just an example, although useful and in practical use at the institute. It was tested to work on Mozilla 1.2.1 and Internet Explorer 6.0; other browsers might only understand parts of the JavaScript included (e. g. DHTML navigation or "Toggle Colorset"). The navigation of the HTML version should however work on any browser.

Standards compliance:


jConPac also supports the XInclude standard: Submanifests need not be embedded physically, but can also be integrated logically. For this, the following rules must be followed:

  • Define the relevant namespace in the main manifest: Integrate xmlns:xi="" (Attention: This namespace was changed repeatedly by the W3C. Only exactly this one will work!) into the "manifest" start tag.
  • At the correct position for submanifests (i.e.after the end of the resource part) insert the inclusion statement (e.g. <xi:include href="Subchapter/imsmanifest.xml"/> to include the manifest from the subdirectory "Subchapter" located directly below as a submanifest ).
  • Please note, that all manifests and submanifests (regardless whether included or directly contained) must have different names (attribute "id" of the "manifest" start tag)! This also applies to all items, resources, etc.!
  • Integration of an included submanifest into the navigation is exactly the same as with physically contained submanifests. Use e.g. <item identifier="MAIN_ITEM_1" identifierref="SUBMANIFEST_ORG" isvisible="true"/> to reference the organisation with the id "SUBMANIFEST_ORG", which is contained in a (sub-) manifest, and integrate it into the navigation.
  • Submanifests included per XInclude are not packed into ZIP files.


2. User interface

jConPac is started by executing the batch file "StartConverter.bat". Upon starting, the main window is shown (see image).

Image of the main window

On it the main title of the project can be set (field "Title"). This is used for replacing the comment "<!-- COMPILATION_TITLE -->" (see below under Templates). It should describe the sum of all manifests together (e. g. "WeLearn Offline-CD").

Below the title the directory of the template must be entered. Selecting it through a dialog is possible with the "Browse ..." button to the right of the field. This must be a directory with all the template files and not a single file of the template itself. This is verified by checking for the presence of the subdirectory "ConverterFiles" (containing the static files of the template).

Below the template field is the field for the output directory. It can also be selected through a dialog using the "Browse ..." button to its right. Again, this must be a directory and no single file.
Attention: Existing files in this directory will be overwritten by files with the same name when created from the template!
The only exception are static files: These are only copied if no file with the same name already exist in the output directory or its creation date is before the date from the template.

The checkbox below signifies, whether the program should check that all referenced files (absolute links like http or ftp are NOT checked!) actually exist in the output directory. This is useful for creating an image for a CD; uncheck it to avoid unnecessary warning if the actual content is not in the output directory. This flag has no influence on the conversion itself; its just an added measure for the verification of completeness. Please note that all HTML files will also be internally searched for images, stylesheets, etc. and these are also checked for existence. Larger manifests with lots of webpages might therefore take some time to convert if this is selected.

The pane on the lower left shows a list of all manifests to be converted in a single step. They will be shown in the navigation in exactly the order they are in there. Adding a manifest is done by pressing the "Add manifest ..." button, which allows selecting it in a dialog. The new manifest is inserted into the list right after the currently selected manifest. The selected manifest can be removed from the list (not deleted) by clicking on the "Remove manifest" button. Changing the order of manifests is done by pressing the buttons "Move up" and "Move down"; these move the currently selected manifest within the list by one step.

Double-clicking on a manifest or selecting "Change properties" from the "Edit" menu allows entering an override page for the content and the organization to render of this manifest (see image). The content page is the page shown when clicking on the top-level icon of this manifest. The default page is created through the template and usually shows keywords and the description. As these cannot always be entered through tools, but must be inserted manually into the manifest, a static page can be selected here instead. This page will also be copied to the output directory. To remove this substitional page, leave the field empty.

Per-manifest configuration

Conversion is initiated by clicking on the button "Convert!". If the configuration is incorrect, a small window with a message will pop up and the cursor will be set to the incorrect field. If everything is fine, conversion will start and open a new window showing the messages created. Warnings are shown in orange, errors in red. If the conversion finished without warnings or errors, this dialog is automatically closed, otherwise it remains open for examining the warnings and/or errors. These can also be saved to a text file or printed.

If the checkbox "zip after conversion" is selected, all files in the manifest will be zipped to one file after conversion. This zip-file will be placed in the output directory and will be named like the title (see field "Title"), e. g. "WeLearn". Befor zipping the file jConPac searches for all references (links, images, ...) in the html-files (both created from the templates and those referenced from resources in the manifest). If some of these references are not referenced in the manifest, this files will still be added to the zip-file.

The button "Exit" terminates the program without saving the configuration to a file (but automatic saving may take place: See advanced configuration "automatically load last state").

All these functions can also be reached through the "File" and the "Edit" menu.

In the "File" menu you can additionally save or load the current configuration.

The item "Advanced configuration" under the menu "Edit" shows a dialog with rarely neededconfiguration options. See below for more information.

In the "Help" menu, a window with this file can be shown as well as an about-box on this program.


3. Advanced configuration

Here several advanced options can be set. Most users will change these settings only rarely.

jConPac configuration
  • Automatically load last state (Default: Checked): jConPac will automatically save its state upon exiting to the users home directory in the file "default_configuration.xml", unless the configuration was specified through the commandline (-f or -F). If this box is checked, this file is automatically loaded from the users home directory upon starting the program, allowing you to instantly start from where you left. When unchecked, the default configuration is saved empty (if at all; see before) to respect privacy and remove old settings.
  • Check for files outside the output directory (Default: Unchecked): If checked, jConPac will look whether any referenced files are outside of the base output directory specified within the normal user interface. Everything in the output directory or in any subdirectories below is ok, everything else will produce a warning. Files outside base directory are "dangerous", as they will usually be an error and also be easily overlooked when packing into a ZIP file (jConPac will pack them into the ZIP file if this should be created, but the path might not be correctly set to work in a browser afterwards!).
    Unchecked by default as the standard template references the file "../start.htm", which is outside the output directory (one level above; must be created manually) and would create a warning.
  • Zip all files in output directory (Default: Unchecked): If checked, all files within the output directory will be recursively packed into the ZIP file, regardless whether they are actually referenced. Otherwise only files from the mani fest as well as those extracted from those contents will be zipped. This especially applies to webpages opening other pages by JavaScript: Such links cannot be found by searching the content. Ideally these would be integrated into the manifest as files under the resource they belong to.
  • Default language code (Default: Empty): With this field a default language code can be specified. This is used when the title of items or metadata information is multilingual. If this field is empty, the default value from the template is used. This should be specified not too specific: A language of "en-UK" will NOT match metadata in the language "en", but only "en-UK". Conversely, a specified default language of "en" will match "en", "en-UK" as well as "en-US". "x-none" matches all languages, i.e. all language versions will be shown. If several strings match a language, these are all shown separated by commas.
    Please note, that on rendering the metadata headings are still printed, even when all detail information is suppressed because of the language code!
Compatibility configuration
  • Compress submanifests (Default: Checked): If a submanifest is included without any direct children (where it is referenced) and the submanifest itself contains only a single top-level item, no folder for the submanifest will be created but instead the top-level item directly included instead of the reference. This happens recursively. The standard-conforming (if unchecked) version, which strictly adheres to the IMS specification, will ALWAYS create a folder for a reference to a submanifest (the reference is an item in its own right and therefore receives an entry). Please note a special consequence of submanifest compression: If an item references a submanifest which will be compressed and the next sibling again references the same manifest, the latter will NOT be shown in the roadmap as these are essentially the same (the only other option would be drawing a child which immediately points to its parent, as these are exactly the nodes below itself!).
  • Inherit invisibility information (Default: Checked): According to the IMS CPS specification, an invisible item is hidden, but its visible children move into its place. To hide a tree therefore all individual nodes must be marked as invisible. Also, this may result in "strange" results: A single node might be replaced by many of its child (or even grand-grand-child) nodes. Therefore this option allows to inherit invisibility: If a node is marked as invisible, this node and all its children, grand-children, etc. are suppressed and not shown. Unmarked nodes are by default visible and therefore not influenced by this option.
Customization information
  • In the welcome page panel you can set some fields to change the content of the welcome page. The fields title, subtitle, text and image can be set arbitrarily. The image will be copied into the output directory.
  • The field header image indicates the image placed in the top left corner of every page. This will also be copied into the output directory.
Configuration of taxonomy filtering
  • Do taxonomy filtering (Default: Unchecked): If enabled, additional filtering of items can be done. The fields "taxonomy" from the LOM standard are used to additonally (in addition to the parameter "visible") decide, whether to show an item during rendering or not. In the field "Source" the source for the taxonomy to use for filtering can be entered. If this field is empty, the first one encountered is used (which might be different for each item). In the field "taxon values" the content to be compared can be specified (this refers to the id element of the taxon; the path can be specified by slashes; e.g. "12.1/12.1.3"). Taxon values can start or end with a star ("*"): Any string can be at that position. Only elements marked as this are shown.
Configuration of roadmap rendering
  • Roadmap shows aggregation level (Default: 2): With this the aggregation level to show as nodes in the graphical roadmap can be set. Available values are "All" (elements of all levels are shown) or the values 1 (individual fragments, e. g. an image), 2 (learning unit, e. g. webpage), 3 (course, e. g. several text files) and 4 (curriculum, e. g. several courses). This has no influence on the rendering of the navigational view (HTML, DHTML, Applet).
  • Matching level is final (Default: Checked): If this option is activated, searching for items to be rendered in childs is stopped when encountering an item with the desired or lower level. Example: When activated and the level=2 the structure 3/2/3/1 is rendered as 3/2, while when deactived it is shown as 3/2/3.
  • Vertical rendering (Default: Checked): If this field is checked, the roadmap will be rendered vertically (from top to bottom). If unchecked, rendering is done from left to right
Configuration of index page creation
  • Create index (Default: Checked): If this box is checked, an index from all keywords contained in the manifests metadata is created. The associated link is shown below the navigation in the standard template. Clicking on the index page lead directly to the relevant page.


4. Configuration files

The complete configuration can be saved to and loaded from a file on the disk (or from the standard input). The content is stored in XML according to the XML-Schema included in the JAR file (schemata/ConfigurationFile.xsd).

5. Templates

Templates consist of two groups: HTML-files which will be mangled and enhanced by information from the manifests wherever certain tags (in the form of HTML comments) appear, and static files.

Templates: These come in several forms: Templates which are mangled only once for all manifests together (*-template.htm or *-template.html) and templates which are mangled for each manifest (*-manifest-template.htm or *-manifest-template.html) or metadata collection (*-metadata-template.htm or *-metadata-template.html) separately. The strings "-template", "-manifest-template", and "-metadata-template" are removed from the output filename. In the case of multi-templates (manifests), each filename is attached an undescrore and an unique label (e. g. Contents-manifest-template.htm is converted to Contents_0.htm, Contents_1.htm, and so on).

Static files: These are the files contained in the subdirectory "ConverterFiles" of the template directory. These files will be copied to the output directory if they do not already exist there or are newer. Examples are images needed or static webpages.

List of tags: Tags are replaced only if they are in the form below (case-sensitive; parameter values containing whitespaces must be within single or double quotes).

  • <!-- TITLE -->: The title of the manifest/resource/item. If none exists, the title of the whole compilation which is entered by the user (see also UI above).
  • <!-- WEBUITITLE -->: The title to be shown on the welcome page. Can be set in the dialog "Advanced configuration".
  • <!-- WEBUISUBTITLE -->: The subtitle to be shown on the welcome page. Can be set in the dialog "Advanced configuration".
  • <!-- WEBUITEXT -->: The text to be shown on the welcome page. Can be set in the dialog "Advanced configuration".
  • <!-- WEBUIIMAGE -->: The image to be shown on the welcome page. Can be set in the dialog "Advanced configuration".
  • <!-- HEADER_IMAGE -->: This image is shown in the default template in the top-left corner on every page. Can be set in the dialog "Advanced configuration".
  • <!-- NAVIGATION -->: Inserts a complete tree for navigation at this place. This tag has several parameters which can be inserted in any order (the whole tag must still be on a single line, however).
    • "type": This parameter specifies which of the three implemented navigations shall be created. "Java" uses a Java applet (the complete applet code is generated), "HTML" creates pure HTML navigation (with images showing the relation of the items), while "DHTML" creates a DHTML tree navigation (elements with children can be opened and closed, unrolling or collapsing the subtree).
    • "target": This parameter specifies the name of the frame the documents linked to from the navigation should be opened. This is ususally a separate frame or window to the right of the navigation.
    • "content": It specifies the name of the file to show when users click on the course itself. A matching template must exist (e. g.: content="Overview" and a template Overview-manifest-template.htm).
    • "metadatapage": The name of the page to be linked for metadata (e. g. "Metadata.htm" to be used with "Metadata-item-template.htm").
    Complete example: <!-- NAVIGATION target="basefrm" type="dhtml" content="Contents.htm" metadatapage="Metadata.htm" -->. This creates a DHTML navigation with a target frame of "basefrm", links to content pages of the form Content_0.htm, Content_1.htm, ... as well as metadata pages (e. g. "Metadata_3.htm").
  • <!-- ROADMAP -->: At this position the roadmap image with the imagemap is inserted.
  • <!-- KEYWORD_INDEX -->: The index of the metadata keywords is inserted at this position. Parameters available are:
    • "type": This parameter specifies the type of navigation for creating the "back-propagation" (clicking on the link not only shows the associated document but also selects the position in the navigation).
    • "target": This parameter specifies the name of the frame the documents linked to from the navigation should be opened. This is ususally the same frame as specified in the navigation.
  • <!-- INDEX_LINK_START -->, <!-- INDEX_LINK_END -->: The complete text (incl. possibly HTML tags) between these converter tags is suppressed if creation of an index is deactivated.
  • <!-- METADATA -->: Signifies metadat rendering. The following parameters must be used:
    • "select": Specifies the XPath expression to be rendered at this position. It will be executed on the metadata (and only on these, e.g. not the element containing it!) and the result will be rendered with the stylesheet (see below).
    • "namespaces": Declaration of the namespaces used in th XPath expression. The format is the following: [ Prefix ":" Namespace-URI { ";" Prefix ":" Namespace-URI }].
    • "stylesheet": Filename of the XSL stylesheet to be used for rendering.
  • <!-- MULTITEMPLATE_SUFFIX -->: Inserts the number of the current manifests. Only valid within multi-templates. To be used for cross-referencing another multi-template file for the same manifest.
  • Examples of metadata specifications:
    • <!-- METADATA select="lommd:general/lommd:description" namespaces="lommd:" stylesheet="CombinedMetadata.xslt" defaultlanguage="en" -->
      Renders the description from metadata according to the LOM standard by employing the stylesheet "CombinedMetadata".xslt. As standard language english is used. Descriptions from other standard will not be rendered, as they will not match the expression!
    • <!-- METADATA select="." namespaces="" stylesheet="CombinedMetadata.xslt" -->
      All metadata is rendered with the stylesheet "CombinedMetadata.xslt". This applies to all namespaces (=standards).
  • The elements TITLE, WEBUITITLE, WEBUISUBTITLE, WEBUITEXT, WEBUIIMAGE, WEBUIHEADERIMAGE may contain the paramater "default". If nothing is specified through the manifest/user interface, this value will be used for replacement.
  • All elements may contain the paramater "defaultlanguage". This will be used as the default language in all cases where this is needed/applicable, but only if in jConPac no language is set (the "Default language" field is empty).


6. Installation and Requirements

To install jConPac, copy it to a directory of your liking. However, you can also start it directly from the CD.


jConPac requires an installed Java Runtime Environment (JRE). This can be downloaded for free from Sun's Java Website.


7. Commandline parameters

jConPac can be provided with several values from the commandline. These will override values loaded from any kind of configuration (default file, specified file or console).
jConPac can also be run without any GUI. No interaction is then possible (no window will be shown) and conversion will start immediately with the values supplied. jConPac terminates after finishing the conversion. This mode has some restrictions however, because of the limited values that can be specified on the command line:

  • Only a single manifest can be converted.
  • The contents page for the manifest or the organization to render cannot be specified. The default page and organization will always be used.
  • Taxonomy filtering is not available.
  • The welcome page cannot be customized.
  • The header image cannot be customized.
  • The roadmap cannot be customized.
  • The index cannot be customized.
 To utilize the full potential of jConPac a configuration file must be created and jConPac called with this file as source of configuration (e. g. StartConverter -f config.xml -g).

Command line parameters are as follows:

Usage: at.jku.fim.CPSConverter.GUIConvert [-s title] [-n] [-u] [-g] [-z]
[-m file] [-o directory] [-F] [-c] [-t directory] [-f file] [-?]
Command line options take precedence before a configuration file
-g,--guiless command-line version without any GUI; starts conversion immediately (non-interactive)
-?,--help print command line parameters
-F,--console read configuration from console instead of from a file
-c,--checkfiles check that all referenced files exist in output directory
-f <file> load configuration from given file
-m,--manifest <file> manifest to convert
-n,--nosplash don't show splash screen
-o,--output <directory> output directory
-s,--title <title> title of the compilation
-t,--template <directory> template directory
-u,--upcheck check for files outside the output directory
-z,--zip zip files after conversion


8. Bugs and other "special features"

  • Included submanifests (i.e. when referencing one of their organizations, not merely some resources contained in them) have no associated link/page. This is not provided for in the standard. See also the advanced configuration option "Compress submanifests" for this.
  • HTML files which are stored in UTF-16 Unicode format will not be correctly parsed for contained references. These external references will not be checked (or included in a ZIP-file) if they are not included in the manifest as files (as they should be anyway).
  • When parsing HTML files for contained references, any "base" attributes are ignored. This can lead to wrong error messages about missing files. Also, these referenced files will not be packed into a ZIP archive unless they are specified as files in the resource section (as they should be anyway).
  • Old configuration files (using a DTD and not the schema) will cause validation errors on loading, as the format has changed significantly. However, this can be safely ignored. The data is read in as far as possible. Saving is possible only in the new format.
Please mind the following issues:
  • Path names within the CLASSPATH environment variable may not contain space characters (e. g. c:\Program Files\jConPac is invalid) unless they are quoted (e. g. "c:\Program Files\jConPac" is correct and works)!
  • For the Applet navigation to work, in the whole path to the JAR archive (which will be in a subdirectory of the destination directory) no "Umlaut" or any other non-7-bit-ASCII character may appear! This is a limitation of the Java Runtime Environment.

If you encounter any other problems or bugs, please notify us!

9. License

This program is free for personal and educational use. If you like it, we would appreciate sending a short message to us!


Last change: 12.2.2004 by Michael V. Sonntag