Installation of the Agentsystem POND ====================================== 1) Install the Java Runtime Environment/Java Development Kit. Testing has been done only with version 1.4, but 1.2 or later should be sufficient (These versions might however require J2EE!). 2) Unpack the Agentsystem to a folder of your liking (avoid spaces in the path!) and note this path (e. g.: "c:\java\agents"). 3) Install the security provider: Go to your Java Runtime Environment and open the file "" (Path: ...\jre\lib\security\ Add after the similar lines a new line, replacing the question mark with the next free number, security.provider.? and save the file. 4) Set the security policy: Go to your Java Runtime Environment and open the file "java.policy" (Path: ...\jre\lib\security\java.policy) Add at the end the following lines, replacing "<>" with the complete path you noted above (where you installed the agentsystem to; e. g. "file:/c:/java/agents/-"), grant codebase "file:/<>/-" { permission; }; and save the file. If you are installing on a windows system, replace backslashes ("\") in your path with slashes ("/"). 5) Open the file "SetPath.bat" in the "bin" subdirectory where you installed the agentsystem to (e. g.: "c:\java\agents\bin\SetPath.bat") and replace both in CLASSPATH and PATH the relative pathes by absolute ones. In PATH, the complete path to where you installed the JRE binaries should be placed (e. g. c:\j2sdk1.4.2\jre\bin). in CLASSPATH, the dot (".") should be replaced by the path where you installed the agentsystem (e. g. replace ".\lib\iaik_jce.jar" with "c:\java\agents\lib\iaik_jce.jar"). This is only needed if you want to run POND from other directories. If it is always started from the "bin" directory, no changes are necessary. 6) Execute "GUISystem1.bat" in the "bin" subdirectory you installed the agentsystem to and the main window should come up after creating some certificates and signing a JAR file. The system installation is now complete!