Praktikum: Programmiersprache C++
(Practical Training on Programming Language C++)   

Semester: SS 2007

LVA - Name:

Praktikum: Programmiersprache C++
(Practical Training on Programming Language C++)

Die Lehrveranstaltung wird in englischer Sprache abgehalten.
(The lecture will be held in English)


LVA - Nummer:


LVA - Typ:


Wochenstunden pro Sem.:



Alexandros Paramythis

Max. Teilnehmerzahl:

Max. 35




Wöchentlich am Mi, 12:00 - 13:30 Uhr, Beginn:: 7.3.2007
(Weekly on Wed, 12:00 - 13:30, Start: 7.3.2007)


T 041

Inhalt der LVA:


  • Basic Concepts
  • Fundamentals of C++ programs
  • Types, operators and control flow
  • Pointers, Arrays and Strings
  • Structures, Enums, Unions and Classes
  • Classes and operators
  • Object-Oriented Programming in C++
  • Advanced C++ Concepts
  • The C++ Standard Template Library


LVA - Modus:

Die Lehrveranstaltung wird in englischer Sprache abgehalten.
(The lecture will be held in English)



Schriftlich am Ende des Semesters
(Written exam at the end of the semester)


Primary reading:

Thinking in C++ 2nd Edition (Bruce Eckel).
Free Electronic Book, Volume 1 & Volume 2
This book will be available from the course's web site.

Recommended readings (Note: these are not required readings for the class; they are only intended as optional additional readings in German, for anyone who is not sufficiently comfortable with the English materials that make up the course's core):

  1. C++ Primer (Stanley B. Lippman, Josee Lajoie, Barbara E. Moo)
    Erscheinungsdatum: Dez. 2005
    ISBN: 382732274X

  2. C++ Programmierung lernen . Anfangen, anwenden, verstehen (André Willms)
    Erscheinungsdatum: Mai 1998
    ISBN: 3827313422

  3. Die C++ Programmiersprache (Bjarne Stroustrup)
    Erscheinungsdatum: Mai 2000
    ISBN: 382731660X

Please feel free to contact me with any additional titles that you feel should be included here.

Sprechstunden: Mi, 10:30 - 12:00
(Wed, 10:30 - 12:00)

Sonstige Informationen:

Additional information about the course can be found at:

Weitere Auskünfte:

Alexandros Paramythis (email:

Links zu anderen Semestern:

SS 2002, WS 2002/03, SS 2003, WS 2003/04, SS 2004, WS 2004/05, SS 2005, WS 2005/06, SS2006, WS 2006/07

Letze Änderung:  2007-02-21